One way to start investing now is to start green investing.When you invest green, you are looking for companies that invest in environmentally friendly products and services. Solar cell and wind power companies would be some possibilities. But investing in an individual company may be too risky so you should look for a mutual fund or ETF to get you started. With the current Obama administration, you will see more money being invested in green technology so that should have positive results for companies in this industry.
Another way to beginner stock market investing is through short term investing.This requires you to spend time trying to time the market and taking advantage of bad news as well as good.Short term investing requires you to spend more time watching what the market is doing each day. You may hold onto stocks and ETFs for a period of under a year.Compare that to long term investing where your holding period can be 3-5 years or more.
There are many possibilities when it comes to investing. If you are having trouble picking an investing strategy, you could read some of the best investing books that cover all the popular strategies and see which one you are most comfortable with and go from there.
With the market so low today, it is a good time to learn beginner stock market investing. There has not been a better time to buy low and sell high in our lifetimes. Investing right now does come with risks but if you have a long term investing horizon and can deal with the ups and downs of the market, you could do well for yourself with some juicy returns.
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